Although they don’t happen to every guy, varicoceles are fairly common. This condition happens in about 15% of guys between the ages of 15-25 years and most commonly during puberty stage. During puberty stage, testicle growth is very rapid and needs more blood delivered to it.
If the valves that present in the veins function improperly, transportation of blood can’t be handled. Blood flowing to the scrotum will back up thus creating varicocele.
This condition is a well known cause for subnormal testicular function. About 20-25% of the males can experience this condition. Also, 40% of infertility males have this condition.
This is the most leading cause of infertility in males. This condition can be easily detected and also treated by surgical procedures.
It is very important that right sided varicocele should be investigated carefully. Sometimes, right sided varicocele may indicate cancer of right kidney.
Varicocele feels like a bag of worms. You won’t experience any pain, but the scrotum will be swollen and this may be at one or both the sides. Also, there are other problems that may cause swelling of the scrotum such as fluid in the scrotum, testicular cancer, spermatocele or cyst, etc.
Varicocele leads to various problems such as:
- Testicular cancer
- Infertility
- Atrophy or testicular shrinkage
- Pain in the testicles
- Feeling of heaviness or dragging in the scrotum
- Discomfort in the testicles or on the particular side of the scrotum
- Dilated veins in the scrotum that can be felt
- Dilated veins causes the testicles to become smaller
The major treatment form of varicocele is surgery. Though it doesn’t need any surgical interference, there are various methods of surgical corrections such as microscopic sub-inguinal varicocelectomy, retroperitoneal and laparoscopic varicocelectomy and inguinal varicocelectomy.
Apart from the surgery, there are various methods for men to improve their semen quantity and quality. Some of these lifestyle changes include:
- Reduced alcohol intake
- Avoiding lubricants
- Quitting smoking
- Avoiding the use of anabolic steroids
- Avoiding the use of drugs like cocaine and marijuana
- Increasing aerobic activity
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