Three out of every seven people in USA are infertile with unknown cause. For those people, diet helps a lot.
There are certain foods that can help boost your fertility, whereas some others can harm.
Healthy diet - Foods you need to eat
Healthy diet is the key when you are trying to conceive. You should take healthy and balanced meals that contain foods from all food groups.
Fruits, vegetables, whole wheat, organic foods can help increase your chance of becoming pregnant. Foods from these groups contain minerals and vitamins, which have major role in conception and baby development.
Foods that contain proteins such as poultry and meat can help you to maintain healthy levels of iron. Insufficient iron levels during first trimester of your pregnancy can increase postpartum risks such as anemia. Postpartum affects 27% of women.
Purely vegetarian diets are also healthy, but sometimes, you need to take iron supplements to reduce the risk of anemia when your diet lacks sufficient sources of iron and dairy.
Eat fish that contain low mercury levels because fish is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids greatly boost your fertility and keep your heart healthy.
Avoid fishes such as shark, marlin, white tuna and frozen swordfish as they contain high mercury levels. Fishes with low mercury levels include: flounder, tilapia, canned chunk light tuna, haddock, salmon, trout, and haddock.
For women who worry about eating fish or if they are vegetarians, flax seeds are a best source of omega 3 fatty acids. Bread and yogurt are also best sources. Bread containing whole grains will give sufficient amount of fiber. Whole grains are important nutrients that help to boost your health.
Consume foods with sufficient calcium levels. Dairy foods contain high calcium levels such as yogurt, cheese and milk. These foods are sources of saturated fats, so moderate consumption is recommended.
Vegetables like oranges, kale and broccoli are also best sources of calcium. Pumpkin, broccoli and peas are good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eat fruits and veggies that have bright color. Kale, red peppers and blueberries are particularly healthy.
Lemons and oranges are also recommended to eat as they are good sources of folic acid. Folic acid stimulates your sex hormones and also reduces the risk of spina bifids in your infants.
Vitamins are also essential to boost your fertility. Folic acid, zinc and vitamin B are essential. Zinc supports cell division during fetus development, whereas lack of zinc causes less number of eggs to produce before the conception. So, zinc is greatly recommended to increase fertility.
Intake of large fluid levels is very much important while trying to conceive.
Unhealthy foods – Foods you need to avoid
Foods containing artificial sweeteners should be avoided as they greatly affect your blood sugar levels and hormone levels. Fatty foods should also be avoided.
Avoid diet soda and caffeine, particularly if you have trouble conceiving or under IVF procedure.
Avoid refined carbs such as pasta, white bread and rice.
Eating high quantities of meat is also not recommended as it increases your body’s ammonia levels, which disturbs egg implantation in the uterus.
Avoid alcohol consumption, taking illegal drugs and smoking.
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