Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why Smoking Causes Infertility?

Various causes can result in trouble becoming pregnant.

So, everyone needs to understand what can trigger your fertility and conception.

Smoking is the factor that can trigger your fertility to a greater extent.

So, women who want to become pregnant should give up smoking. There are various researches conducted on why smoking causes infertility.

The studies found some of the causes for negative effect of smoking on your fertility.

Nicotine present in cigarettes has a greater negative impact on your fertility. Nicotine affects the maturation of eggs, decreases ovulation rates and thereby decreasing fertility rates. Also the studies showed that women who smoke during pregnancy have greater chances of developing chromosomal abnormalities in their eggs.

Also study showed that smokers had twice the risk of still being childless five years after ending the use of contraceptives than did non-smoking couples. Researchers estimate that smoking women who want to conceive take, on average two months longer than the nonsmokers. Smoking women have 40% less chances of becoming pregnant than nonsmokers. Also, smoking women have greater chances of miscarriage and smoking men are more likely to become impotent if they continue smoking.

Effect of smoking on IVF:

Women who get in vitro fertilization also experience the negative effects of nicotine on their pregnancy. Smoking women have less egg retrieval with IVF, less rates of fertilization of the eggs and more number of miscarriages even with IVF also.

Even smoking men also have negative effect on IVF. Smoking causes damage to the sperm. So, smoking causes negative influences on IVF for both the men and women.

If you want to become pregnant, then you need to adopt various lifestyle changes that increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Say goodbye to cigarettes, so that it can dramatically and quickly influence your chances of holding a beautiful baby.

Effects of smoking on women fertility:
  • Alterations in ovum

  • Lower rates of fertilization of the eggs with IVF

  • Increased risk of unprompted abortion and ectopic pregnancy

  • Likelihood of incidence of cancer in the babies of smoking parents

  • Damage to the fallopian tubes that produce healthy eggs

  • Chances of getting menopause early by 1 to 4 years
Effects of smoking in male fertility:
  • Decreased sperm count in men

  • Infertility caused by changes in the series of DNA in sperm cells

  • Iterations in the sperm morphology

  • Decreased sperm strength

  • Quality and quantity of ejaculated semen

Friday, February 26, 2010

IVF May Increase Risk Of Stillbirths!

According to the recent studies, women who consume with the help of fertility treatments such as IVF are at four times the risk of having stillbirths. Research said that women who consume with the help of fertility procedures such as IVF and ICSI were at more risk compared to women who consume naturally.

Research proved that risk of stillbirths for women who consume naturally or non-IVF procedures was 4.3 per 1,000 pregnancies, whereas the risk associated with IVF and ICSI was 16.2 per 1,000 pregnancies.

The findings also proved that the reason for women who are at greater risk of stillbirths with IVF and ICSI is mainly due to their age. But the research does not completely find whether it is IVF or ICSI that increase the risk of stillbirths.

Researchers already proved that risk of multiple pregnancies is greater with fertility treatments and also the research proved that risk of low birth weight, preterm births and other serious health problems is greater with multiple pregnancies. So, women who are undergoing IVF should get single embryo transfer to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Debilitating Signs And Symptoms Of Infertility In Women!

As women age, the most significant factor that effect is the ability to conceive.

Nowadays most of the women wait a longer time to have a baby. As the age increases, the ability of your ovaries to produce normal eggs will decrease, risk of chromosomal abnormalities increases and unsuccessful implantation thus leading to infertility in women.

The ability of a woman to conceive will start decreasing during her 30’s. After 38 there is a more rapid decrease in women’s fertility.

20’s is the most prominent period for a woman to get pregnant. Doctors usually recommend that after 35, women should have fertility evaluation once after attempting pregnancy for six months.

Though there are various causes of infertility in women, they differ from one woman to another.

Symptoms of infertility in women:

Some women may experience physical symptoms associated with infertility, but some may not have any physical symptoms.
  • Abnormal menstrual period

  • Absence of menstruation

  • Pelvic pain

  • Rapid weight gain

  • Chronic acne

  • Unable to get pregnant

  • Various emotional reactions by either or both members of the couple and the reactions are great among the childless couple.
Test to perform in infertile women:
  • Calculating the basal body temperature

  • Monitoring cervical mucus changes throughout the menstrual cycle to note the wet, stretchy, and slippery mucus associated with the ovulatory phase

  • Biopsying the uterine lining or endometrium

  • Measuring the amount of luteinizing hormone in urine with home-use kits to predict ovulation and assist with timing of intercourse.

  • Progestin challenge when the woman has sporadic or absent ovulation.

  • Checking serum hormone levels

  • Laparoscopy for direct visualization of your pelvic cavity

  • Determining existence of any cysts with pelvic exam
About 85-90% of the cases of infertility in women can be determined with the above test. Seeking right therapy in right timings can give 50 - 60% of chances to become pregnant. Usually, the treatments for infertility in women include: IVF, intrauterine insemination, and ovulation induction.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some Foods May Contribute To Infertility!

There are various digestive disorders that can damage your small intestine when you eat wheat, rye and barley. Gluten is a protein found in these foods can cause these problems. Celiac disease is one among those digestive disorders. There are varied symptoms of this disease.

Celiac disease can lead to infertility or inability to become pregnant. Also this disease can cause various gynecological and obstetrical problems along with miscarriage and preterm births. Men who ignore the condition of celiac disease can also have fertility issues.

Celiac disease in women can lead to start periods later and stop menstruating earlier than average. Also, women suffer from secondary amenorrhea, a condition in which menses start but then stop. Collectively, these menstrual problems can lead to fewer ovulations thus resulting in fewer chances to become pregnant. Improper nutrition and hormonal factors can play a role in causing these problems.

Celiac disease in men can cause sperm abnormalities, such as: low sperm count, reduced sperm functioning and altered sperm shape. Untreated celiac disease can lead to low testosterone levels.

One study stated that sexual relations occurred less often when one partner had active celiac disease compared with couples in which the partner’s celiac disease was being treated.

Even women with celiac disease become pregnant; there are some problems that they may get during pregnancy such as smaller babies, miscarriage. These are the most common conditions that can be noticed in women with untreated celiac disease. So, women who experience repeated miscarriage or unable to conceive should get screening for celiac disease.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How To Enhance Your Sex Life?

Almonds, seafood, avocados, figs and strawberries can enhance your sexual function and experience. Here are some of the health benefits of each for your life:

Almonds: They are abundant in nutrients and minerals like zinc, vitamin E and selenium.

They are very essential for women sexual and reproductive health. Vitamin E is responsible for the production of estrogen and testosterone.

Vitamin E helps to enhance your sexual desire and helps in fertility.

Seafood: wild salmon, oysters and herring are rich in zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. They increase the release of sex hormones. Zinc increases the sex hormone in both the sexes and oysters boost your libido. Seafood can keep your sex and heart life healthier.

Avocados: These are the best sources of mono unsaturated fats that keep your healthy and strong.

A healthy heart can direct the blood to all the organs and also boosts the sex instincts.

Heart disease in men keep them at greater risk of erectile dysfunction.

You will get enough saturated fats from your diet, but mono saturated fats are not. So, consume avocados for these fats.

Figs: They are good sources of soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber is essential to keep your heart healthy. Also, it curbs your hunger. High fiber content is essential particularly for women who main healthy weight, which makes them feel and look sexy.

Strawberries: They are good sources of folic acid, which helps to prevent birth defects in women.

Folic acid helps to boost the sperm count in men. Color of strawberry boosts your libido.

Citrus foods: They are good sources of anti-oxidants, folic acid and vitamin C. It helps to maintain reproductive health in men. Include lot of citrus in your diet.

Antioxidants available in vitamin C have very short life span, so to the continuous benefits, men should consume a lot and very frequently. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables as they can lessen heart disease and adversely affect the man’s performance.