Then immediately set up an appointment with your doctor and get tested your sexual health.
You and your partner get tested for STDs and ensure that you are in good sexual health before trying to conceive.
It is very important to monitor your sexual health and be aware of STDs, particularly when you are trying to conceive.
Having regular tests can prevent fertility problems and prevent the infections and STDs from spreading further.
So, whenever you are planning to conceive, get yourself and your partner tested immediately.
Types of STDs and their effects on your fertility:
Most often, STDs are greatly related to infertility. There are various types of STDs that can cause serious life-threatening reactions to less serious ones. If you think that you have an STD, get treated immediately. Leaving STDs untreated can cause various effects on your fertility.
Chlamydia: Most common STD and every year, it affects millions of men and women. This is due to the bacteria existed in vaginal fluid or semen. This disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse. If the condition is untreated, it can cause infertility and also lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. It can cause damage to the fallopian tubes and makes it impossible for pregnancy to occur.
HIV/AIDS: HIV virus causes AIDS. This disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse and by sharing needles, blood transfusion and also through blood milk.
Gonorrhea: It is caused by a bacterium, which live in body fluids and transmitted through sexual intercourse. Gonorrhea leads to infertility and also pelvic inflammatory diseases.
Herpes: This STD is transmitted through skin to skin contact. Herpes can cause burning, itching of your anus and genitals.
Syphilis: Transmitted through sexual contact from an infected person. If the disease is detected in early stages, it can be treated effectively. If it is left untreated, it can lead to conditions like blindness and also some psychological disorders.
Trichomaniasis: Most common STD transmitted through sexual contact. The disease can lead to swelling of the fallopian tubes and makes it impossible for pregnancy to occur and finally leads to infertility.
Pubic lice: Also known as crabs and look like small and parasitic insects. These stick to the hair over your body that is on pubic hair. Crabs can cause irritation and itching of the skin at affected area.
Hepatitis B: Transmitted through sexual intercourse, by sharing the needles and infected blood. Symptoms of hepatitis B include: fever, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain. This is a most serious disease and can cause liver damage.
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