Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Are There Any Specific Fertility Signs?

Yes, you can easily recognize the fertility signs in your body.

There are various methods to monitor your fertility such as: cervical mucus, cervical position, and basal body temperature.

These three fertility signs when combined with charting can be very effective to track your cycles.

This chart allows you to know just when your most fertile period is and helps to increase the chances of conceiving.

1. Cervical mucus:

This is the most evident among the fertility signs. Estrogen hormone is responsible for producing cervical mucus. After completion of your menstrual period, you will be dry for few days. After that those dry days will turn into sticky days. These dry and sticky days are known as sub-fertile days or the period during which your fertility is very low.

When these dry or sticky days completes, your cervical fluid will turn into creamy or watery. This fluid is white or clear in color and is very thin. This is the most evident indicator of raising your fertility.

Some may experience watery or creamy cervical fluid while some others won’t produce any fluid. Mucus production is a very good signs because it is the only medium for sperm to swim easily and combine with the egg to occur conception. Good cervical fluid providers shelter for sperm to live longer.

After this, the next phase is producing cervical fluid called ‘egg white’ as it is similar to the color of raw egg white. This kind of fluid production indicates the most fertile sign. Egg white fluid is clear and stretchy and the sperm can live longer when compared to the previous phase.

After ovulation or the day of ovulation, rapidly again you will become dry or produce sticky mucus. You should observe this until your next menstrual period starts.

Sticky or dry mucus – Not fertile i.e. intercourse is improbably increase your chances of conceiving

Watery or creamy mucus – Fertile i.e. intercourse increases your chances of conceiving

Egg white mucus – Very fertile i.e. intercourse has definite chances to become pregnant

2. Position of cervix:

Changes in the position of your cervix can also indicate one of the fertility signs. Cervical position changes are due to the increase in estrogen hormone during the period of ovulation. During this period, your cervix becomes soft and rises higher in your vagina. Also, the cervical opening becomes little bit larger to allow easy passage of sperm.

After completing the ovulation period, your cervix becomes harder and cervical opening closes a little. Until your menstrual period, your cervix remains hard.

While checking the cervix, neatly wash your hands before and after checking. Make sure that your nails are short and trimmed properly. It is very difficult to check the cervical position by yourself. It needs proper practice and time to become familiar with the changes.

3. Basal body temperature (BBT):

BBT is the temperature taken early in the morning before doing any activity. Your body’s temperature is lower during the first part of the cycle. Usually, it will rise between 0.4 to 0.8 on the day of ovulation. It will stay up until just before the start of your next menstrual period.

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