Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nutritional Therapy For Infertile Couple!

For proper functioning of your body, a balanced diet is very much essential.

For some extent, supplements can also help to improve your fertility.

Deficiency of proteins and calories from undernourishment is a cause of infertility.

So, sufficient nutrition should be the basis for treating any kind of illness.

Here are some dietary and lifestyle recommendations for infertile couple:
  • Stop taking illegal drugs and quit smoking.

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and high sugar intake.

  • Avoid taking foods with gluten and wheat protein.

  • Avoid acidic foods like red meat and tea.

  • Take whole foods that are high in vitamins and minerals as much as you can, because whole foods are essential for reproductive health.

  • Take supplements containing vitamin E, which regulates the production of cervical mucus. Main sources of vitamin E include: nuts, eggs and vegetable oils. These foods protect your fatty tissues, which are essential to improve fertility.

  • Increase the intake of fatty acids, as the intake of fatty acids stimulates the production of sex hormones. Main sources of fatty acids include: seeds, pulses, oily fish, fish liver oil, beans, and unrefined vegetable oils.

  • Take sufficient vitamin A products

  • Get regular exercise.

  • Early recognition can help to avoid the food allergies.

  • Vitamin B6 supplements can help to increase the levels of progesterone hormone in women with irregular or absent menstrual cycle.

  • Consider supplements containing starflower oil, borage seed oil, linseed oil, blackcurrant oil and evening primrose oil.

  • Take folic acid and vitamin B supplements as deficiency of these supplements can cause anemia, which is associated with infertility.

  • Take sufficient selenium products, as deficiency of them can cause infertility in women.

  • Bee pollen and royal jelly are extremely nutrient-rich bee products that help stimulate fertility.

  • Take vitamin A and zinc because they correct any nutritional deficiencies in your body thus promoting some hormonal imbalances. Pumpkin seeds are the best sources of zinc.

  • Extracts from animal adrenal glands or glandular can help to adjust the hormonal imbalances.

  • Do relaxation exercises such as meditation, deep breathing, visualization, prayer, etc for 10-15 minutes everyday.

  • Everyday drink at least 8 glasses of water.
Nutritionists recommend alkaline foods like peas, bean sprouts and milk to reduce acidity in the cervical mucus as it can inhibit sperm.

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