Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some Foods May Contribute To Infertility!

There are various digestive disorders that can damage your small intestine when you eat wheat, rye and barley. Gluten is a protein found in these foods can cause these problems. Celiac disease is one among those digestive disorders. There are varied symptoms of this disease.

Celiac disease can lead to infertility or inability to become pregnant. Also this disease can cause various gynecological and obstetrical problems along with miscarriage and preterm births. Men who ignore the condition of celiac disease can also have fertility issues.

Celiac disease in women can lead to start periods later and stop menstruating earlier than average. Also, women suffer from secondary amenorrhea, a condition in which menses start but then stop. Collectively, these menstrual problems can lead to fewer ovulations thus resulting in fewer chances to become pregnant. Improper nutrition and hormonal factors can play a role in causing these problems.

Celiac disease in men can cause sperm abnormalities, such as: low sperm count, reduced sperm functioning and altered sperm shape. Untreated celiac disease can lead to low testosterone levels.

One study stated that sexual relations occurred less often when one partner had active celiac disease compared with couples in which the partner’s celiac disease was being treated.

Even women with celiac disease become pregnant; there are some problems that they may get during pregnancy such as smaller babies, miscarriage. These are the most common conditions that can be noticed in women with untreated celiac disease. So, women who experience repeated miscarriage or unable to conceive should get screening for celiac disease.

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