Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Evening Primrose Oil To Regulate Fertility!

Evening primrose is a mixture of vitamin E and the antioxidant selenium in addition to the optimal, nutritionally-sound amount of evening primrose oil for trying-to-conceive women.

Evening Primrose Oil or EPO is an essential fatty acid that contains gamma linolenic acid (GLA).

GLA s converted to a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin E1 which has anti-inflammatory properties and may also act as a blood thinner and blood vessel dilator.

These anti-inflammatory properties of evening primrose oil help people suffering from pains, aches and cramps.

This oil gives women with Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid converted in the body to prostaglandins - types of enzymes which can balance female reproductive hormones and support a wide range of bodily functions, including moisture regulation of mucous membranes.

Key benefit of evening primrose oil for women trying to conceive is its purpose in lubricating and preserving mucus membranes and production, hence helping your body to naturally regulate the quality of fertile cervical mucus.

One of the major characteristics of well and abundant cervical mucus throughout the fertile period prior to ovulation is its capability to maintain sperm in a healthy means and to permit sperm to shift freely through the "hostile," or pH-challenged, environment of the cervix.

During ovulation, healthy fertility relies on the change in texture and increase in amount of a woman's cervical mucus. Don’t take evening primrose oil during the pre-ovulation period of each cycle.

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